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Vaping News Archives - Page 2 of 7 - 180 Smoke
Help Save Flavours in Quebec

Help Save Flavours in Quebec

Quebec’s recently proposed amendments to the Tobacco Control Act banning non-tobacco flavoured vaping products and restricting the size of disposables, pods, reservoirs and e-liquid bottles are currently undergoing a 45-day consultation period, ending June 3, 2023....

The 180 Take: Decoding the New Federal Vaping Tax

The 180 Take: Decoding the New Federal Vaping Tax

Earlier this year the federal government released its 2022 Budget, which included a new federal vaping tax scheduled to take effect as of October 1, 2022. This “excise duty” is applied on all vaping liquids (including disposable vape products, closed system pods, and...

The 180 Take: Listen to the Consumer

The 180 Take: Listen to the Consumer

World Vaping Day was May 30th, and to mark the occasion the Consumer Association of Canada (CAC) and Rothman’s Benson and Hedges (RBH)–one of the country’s leading tobacco companies–were doing their part to ensure smart and effective regulatory changes around vaping...
