Who are our customers?
In general, the results indicate that the 180 Smoke consumer base is an older one (largely falling into two age groups: 30-39/40-49).
They primarily identify as men. Most are married or in some form of domestic partnership, and are employed full time.
How and why do you shop with 180 Smoke?
Most respondents – almost 50% – say they shop in-store, with just over 35% indicating they only shop online. Just under 20% say they do both. Of those who fall into the online/both category, over 70% indicate they’ve shopped at 180smoke.ca in the past six months.
Why? Most say it’s because of the product availability, followed by our prices, their own proximity to a 180 Smoke location, and then customer service. That last one is something we can always improve, so if you have thoughts on how we can serve you better, please leave them in the comments section or drop us a line at support@180smoke.com.
It was also nice to know that over 80% of those surveyed said they knew we have a loyalty program, with a significant percentage of that particular group indicating our loyalty program is a big reason why they shop with us.
180 Smoke customers are savvy customers
Most of our customers/survey respondents said they are aware of the proposed federal flavour ban (we recently discussed the 180 Smoke position on this), with over 50% indicating that they’ve signed a flavour ban protest of some kind (180 Smoke also submitted a formal letter regarding our position on the TVPA and a flavour ban at the end of April).
Over 70% are aware that there are flavour bans already in effect in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the Northwest Territories, and Prince Edward Island.
Implications of a vape flavour ban
Ultimately, many respondents (just under 50%) said they wouldn’t continue vaping if flavours were banned, with a significant number (again, largely falling into an older demographic) indicating they would be interested in exploring alternatives like synthetic nicotine.
The gist?
Our customer survey was designed to not only let us know who makes up our loyal, growing community of vapers, but also to see if there are any ways we can make sure we are adhering to the rules, and proactively ensuring we are catering to the right people.
The result? 180 Smoke customers are responsible, adult consumers who are making an educated choice when it comes to vaping. We have checks and balances in place based on where people purchase our products from us, and have extremely educated staff members who know how to do their jobs.
If you would like to find out more, let us know in the comments below!